Thursday, October 14, 2010


Every one of us knows this quotation and every one of us is indeed a beautiful creature in her own way. Our Creator created us and the world and all its living creatures beautiful – He would never have been so cruel as to create it ugly.

But what is true, is that initially he created us as the proverbly ugly duckling and put the challenge in our hands whether we want to stay as we were created or to work towards becoming beautiful swans.

Yes, the choice is ours whether we want to be beautiful or not. I am blessed with two beautiful daughters and they too were born as ugly ducklings but with my upbringing of them and their acceptance of their feminity and a genuine effort from their sides that they must become and stay beautiful, they indeed became two beautiful women!

But what is beautiful? For me beautiful is nothing more than an attitude, a mindset. If you want to be beautiful you will be beautiful – as simple as that! Beauty is from the inside not the outside. And, naturally, once you are beautiful from the inside, you will be beautiful from the outside as well! From this simple philosophy I derived my own slogan: “a healthy body houses a beautiful you”.

So, in a nutshell, this blog is about beauty!
Follow me for a beautiful photo every day!