Monday, November 2, 2009

IMTA Exclusive Interview with Top Model Zhanna Ved!

IMTA is very pleased to present an exclusive interview with Zhanna, an amazing, grounded, stunningly beautiful and very successful model!

IMTA: Please describe your IMTA experience...

Zhanna: In one phrase, that actually is quoted to this day at every IMTA convention: "It's the place to go, to make your dreams come true in the industry..."

IMTA: What are your best tips for success for someone who wants to be a model?

Zhanna: Do not lose focus of what is important, modeling is a tough job, never the less very rewarding. The travel, the social life, the perks can go to your head and you can lose focus of why you started to model in the first place, I can not even say how many models I have met through out my career that have been dropped by their agencies because of bad conduct and not doing their job. Stay healthy, eat healthy and always stay close to your family one way or the other, that always keeps your feet on the ground makes you want to do better as a model.

IMTA: What did you learn at IMTA that helps you in your career?

Zhanna: EVERYTHING, How to walk, how to pose, how to talk to clients, how to portray myself as a professional model and as a professional woman.

IMTA: Tell us about your favorite shoot? What are some of the most exciting places you have traveled?

Zhanna: My favorite shoot was for Marie France, where I got to go Mexico for 5 days, all expenses paid, I got treated like a rockstar. We finished in a day so I got to vacation for 4 days and I got payed for the whole length of my stay there, it was amazing. And the pictures didn't come out too bad either ;)

IMTA: What is a typical day for you? i.e. go-sees, interviews, etc.

Zhanna: I wake up early in the morning to double check my schedule ( I check it before I go to bed ). I make myself a healthy breakfast I like to eat multi grain cereal and some fruit. I go for a quick run and then come back and get ready to hit my castings. I usually on average have around 4-6 castings a day. After I am done with my castings which I try to always be on time,l since the clients time its quite important and valuable...I hang out with my friends for tea and girl talk. Later I meet with my boyfriend who is in the industry also and we usually go get dinner or watch a movie, occasionally we go to a friends party or an industry event as we are invited to a lot of those event, but we try to keep it within early hours so we can go to work fresh and focused the next day. When we get home I like to cook dinner, my favorite is some Asian salad and grilled chicken, then usually I read whatever I can on the industry to keep me updated, then a little TV to unwind and then try to go to bed as early as possible.

IMTA: Would you recommend IMTA as a starting point for aspiring models and actors?

Zhanna: Definitely IMTA helped me out so much in my training and focus as a model, and introduced me to the agencies I have been working for years now. A great platform for anybody to start and get pushed in the right direction within this industry.

Quick Answer!
Favorite Food: Red Apples
Favorite Band: The Beatles and Coldplay
Favorite Movie: The Devil Wears Prada
Favorite Celebrity: Angelina Jolie
Favorite Magazine: Cosmopolitan
Favorite Possession: My boyfriend hahaha just kidding, my yellow hand bag I take everywhere with me to castings...its my everyday bag, and my iphone.
Fascinated With: Life and Fashion
Grossed out by: Creepy crawlers (bugs...anything that can sting you or crawl up to you), especially spiders.