IMTA alum Sofia also stars as Ariel Dubois, the daughter of the main character, Allison (Patricia Arquette) in the NBC hit series Medium. The show is an intriguing series based on a real-life story of a psychic who uses her abilities to solve crimes. Sofia competed at IMTA in New York, where she won the title of Child Actress of the Year and she was the first runner-up for Child Model of the Year 2000. She went on to star in many films such as Eloise at the Plaza, The Brady Bunch in the White House, the psychological thriller Inhabited and Day Zero. She recently wrapped Hurt about a widow and her children coping with loss and a new life. Sofia won a Best Supporting Young Artist Award in 2006 for Best Performance in a TV Drama.
Stay tuned for more information on Sofia in Medium, Hurt and My Sister's Keeper!