IMTA alum Ashton Kutcher launched a brand-new web series called Blah Girls with Jason Goldberg, his partner at Katalyst Media. This cutting-edge show is an animated series which is about celebrity news and gossip. Katalyst Media describes it as,"Blah Blah Blah is an interactive, animated Web series that focuses on popular culture, told through the perspective of the Blah Girls - Tiffany, Krystle and Britney. They will keep you up to date on the latest in celebrity gossip, fashion, relationships and life as it happens." Check out Blah Girls Blog celebrity blog for all the latest news delivered in a unique interactive environment!
The adorable Blah Girls are scheduled to premiere new animated episodes on Mondays and Thursdays on It will also be hosted on YouTube, Yahoo Videos, MySpace video, Hulu and most other video hosting sites. You can watch "Meet the Blah Girls", one of the premiere episodes, right here on That IMTA Blog! (Viewer discretion is advised):
Be sure to visit to see Ashton's newest project!