Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Tyler McKean modeling in New Zealand!

Model Tyler McKean wrote us and sent us some amazing shots from a photoshoot he did recently with David Shields on Piha Beach in Auckland, New Zealand! Tyler competed at the IMTA Convention in January in Los Angeles. Since then, he has shot for a clothing company called Credibility with Matthew Mitchell from L.A. as well as the New Zealand shoot. He wrote to us about modeling in New Zealand and his experience at IMTA:

"Hey, here are some new photos I just had taken, I am getting work over here in the meantime, and when I return to the states, my managers are going to get me placed with either DNA, IMG, or Major Model Management, Marc/Marcia, my managers, have a lot of agencies waiting to hear more from me, and then when I am ready, Bravo in Tokyo will take me, hopefully.I just thought you would want to see these new photos, done on Piha Beach,in Auckland New Zealand, with David Shields.Then the other ones were done by Matthew Mitchell, from LA. I did a photoshoot for a clothing company called Credibility. Thanks so much for the helping me out. This past IMTA could not have went any better for me.
Thanks again,
Tyler McKean"

Thank you Tyler! It's great to see these amazing shots and we can't wait to see what else you do as a model.