I've come here today to lodge a formal complaint
In some ways it may come across as being quaint
But try as I might I can't seem to shake
This woman from my system for goodness sake

I've gone to great lengths to rid myself of the agony
But try as I might; Debra just won't stop messing with me!
Where ever I go, she's there in my head
It's worst most of all at nights when I go to bed

There's something about her little quirky smile
I keep seeing it as I drive on mile after mile
There's something rather attractive about a woman who's funny
Her comedic skills are great, she's sure worth the money

From the moment I caught her in McHale's Navy
She left a lasting humorous impression on me
She knows how to tickle my funny bone indeed
Debra just has a way of filling my comedic need

She's been in the biz from a very tender age
Yep doing musicals and dancing all across the stage
She did Annie and Fiddler On the Roof back in high school
She took lessons in acting, dancing and singing; yep she's pretty cool

Summa cum laude, a BA in theatrical arts as well
A Master's Degree in Fine Arts; yeah the woman's qualified as hell
Accepted into the elite Graduate Acting Program at New York University
Quite an accomplishment since they only accept 15 students annually

Two prestigious awards - one SAG and one Emmy
An additional 7 wins and 22 nominations yeah baby!
Her most noted role to date has been her role in Will & Grace
So hysterical; made me laugh so much; made tears run down my face

And isn't she the cutest little thing that you ever did see
You have secrets; fear not my love, they are truly safe with me
You've done a heck of a job staying sane and level-headed
In an industry that has proven time and again to be so dreaded

One of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World
Instead of complaining I should be asking her to be my girl
TV Guide named her Best Dressed Woman in 2003
I'm now convinced that there's something totally wrong with me

I need to take a moment, stop and think this thing through
Yeah, I was wrong, I take back my complaint; definitely won't sue
Haunt me all you like, invade my dreams, keep me up at night
For although it may be wrong, it sure as hell feels very very right